Set Of 3 Hand Drawn Animal Nursery Prints

£8.45 £13.79

Set Of 3 Hand Drawn Animal Nursery Prints. Sloth, fox & panda cute nursery animal prints.

Our prints are printed on premium quality 240gsm gloss photo paper. This is high quality card stock, which gives a luxury feel.

All of our prints are printed to order in the UK. We package each print in a cello sleeve to prodtect the print, then into a hard back boarded envelop to ensure all prints are fully protected during shipping.

** All prints are supplied UNFRAMED. **


The 3 P's!...
Please allow 1 - 2 business days for us to PREPARE, PRINT, PACKAGE and then ship your print.

UK - 2 business days

EUROPE - 2 - 3 business days

US - 5 - 10 business days

REST OF WORLD - 12-16 business days

Please be aware these are estimated times, and we cannot guarantee they will arrive in this timeframe. This is due to many factors which could effect postage and shipping times.

Thanks for supporting a small business!